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First Grade



First grade is so fun and so very important. This is when your student begins to learn how to read. We will explore so much through reading this year. We will study key species, important people, and different cultures and celebrations. Please read with your student at home to support all the work that we are doing in class. Teaching little ones is a team effort! Thank you!
El primer grado es muy divertido y muy importante. Esto es cuando su estudiante comienza a aprender a leer. Exploraremos mucho leyendo este año. Estudiaremos especies clave, personas importantes y diferentes culturas y celebraciones. Por favor, lea con su hijo en casa para apoyar todo el trabajo que estamos haciendo en clase. ¡Enseñar a los pequeños es un esfuerzo de equipo! ¡Gracias!


In math, we have been working a lot with manipulatives. We have been using these manipulatives to focus on one-to-one correspondence, counting to 50, and adding and subtracting within 10.
En matemáticas hemos trabajando con sumas y restas entre 10. Usamos bloques, dominos y figuras para representar los conceptos matemáticas. COntamos hasta 50 usando patrones de 1 en 1, 5 en 5 y 10 en 10.
First Grade students with Face paint on


The beginning of this year has been focused on the foundations of reading: letters and the sounds that they make. We have worked on consonants, short vowels, and consonant digraphs (/sh/, /ch/).
En primer grado somos lectores bilingues! Hemos trabajado en las sílabas para leer libros con fluidez. Seguimos practicando vocabulario, silabas, y palabras de alta Frecuencia.


Our focus for reading and writing has been personal narratives. We have been reading stories, discussing the characters, setting, problem, and solution, retelling the story as a class, and recording our retellings in collaborative writing.
En escritura trabajamos en narrativos personales. Tambien, hacemos analisis literario con el escenario, personajes, eventos, problemas y resolución.


We had an absolute blast at our Gizditch Ranch field trip on Oct. 20th. Thank you so much to the parent volunteers who helped make that trip possible. The students sang songs with Granny Smith, learned about the life cycle of the pumpkin and how the super delicious Gizditch Ranch apple juice is made, and even got a sugar pumpkin to take home! Thank you Gizditch!
Fuimos al Rancho Gizdich y nos divertimos mucho. Gracias a todo los padres que participaron y ayudaron. Los alumnos cantaron canciones con la maestra Granny Smith, aprendieron sobre el ciclo de vida de una calabaza, tomaron jugo de manzanas, y escogieron una calabaza.