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Fifth Grade



Our fifth graders are working hard in their classes learning about a variety of topics. Each class focuses on using scholarly discourse to help students communicate with their peers and explain their thinking. We are all collaborating and working together to complete tasks in each subject area. Students are working hard as they prepare to move on to middle school next fall!


Students have read a variety of text structures such as: narrative, opinion, and informational (nonfiction). Students have worked together during close reads to pull out key information to support each text structure. We are also working hard on our individual reading levels. We push ourselves each day to read more and work toward our reading goals.


We started the year learning all about caves and writing a narrative using real facts and information. Students created their story structure including an orientation, complication, and resolution. We have also written opinion pieces as well as about character traits and how a specific character can affect the theme of a story.  Currently, students are learning all about informational text structures and will soon write their own informational text. We will include Social Studies in our writing while learning about the U.S. Government and the Bill of Rights. We are using graphic organizers to help organize our thoughts into structured writing.


Fifth graders will be heading to Outdoor Science School February 20-23 at the Koinonia Conference Grounds.  There they experience hands on science lessons beyond the classroom walls. Students will participate in a variety of activities such as hikes, investigations, ropes course, songs, performing arts, and many group activities. They will grow in their experiences together by sharing chores and small group living.
Fifth grade students using chromebooks


We have covered many topics so far this school year. We practice each new concept using a variety of strategies.  Students began the year solving multiplication and division equations.. They have also practiced solving problems involving area and volume. Students have learned strategies to help them solve a variety of equations involving decimal numbers.  Fractions are a large part of fifth grade math curriculum. Students have practiced adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing fractions. We will continue covering these topics more in depth as well as introducing graphing and geometry concepts. They have worked together to use visuals, ratio tables, and standard algorithm to grasp these standards.
Fifth grade students at an assembly